Relatives to slain police officer Constable Hokoyo expressed their deep sadness over the slain cop’s death the state media reports. Family members that spoke to the herald said Constable Hokoyo who died at 27 grew up an orphan and he was hardworking and keen to uplift his family.

His younger brother spoke to The Herald and said:

Being the young brother of Wonder who has mysteriously passed on in Battlefields, I am still finding it difficult to accept his passing on because he was the elder brother who was taking care of us.

His father in law said:

I was actually waiting for him to come home, only to receive a phone call that he had been attacked by these machete wielding thugs.

My son-in-law died on duty, protecting the people of Zimbabwe. Now he is no more. He was still young and left behind his wife and a little child.

The family visited the crime scene and were accompanied by Officer Commanding Kadoma District and Battlefields ZRP Member In Charge