Zimbabwe’s fuel is expected to rise with at least 40 percent  amid social media reports that stakeholders have agreed to the hike with only president Emmerson Mnangagwa expected to rubber stamp the move.

This comes barely a month after the introduction of another wave of fuel increase which led to violent mass protests that ended up claiming 17 lives, several injuries and rape cases following a crackdown by the uniformed forces.

The protests were instigated after fuel had been increased with over 200 percent, from an average of $1.25 to $3.40.

Sources told ZWNews.com that “it looked likely” that all was set for the gazzetting of the new prices.

“A closed-door meeting between fuel stakeholders and RBZ was held today over hiked fuel prices. Petrol will now be $5,50 per litre and diesel $5,15 up from $3.40 and 3.25 respectively.

“The authorities are only waiting for President’s approval. So anytime, fuel is shooting up,” said the source.

A message with the same message has also been making rounds on social media today.

A government source who refused to be named said “anything is possible in Zimbabwe, our country is broke and very desperate.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Information Minister Energy Mutodi, who recently denied there was new Zimbabwe currency few days ago, has dismissed fuel increase rumours.

Posting via his social media account, Mutodi said there was no crises and NO FUEL price increase in Zimbabwe.

“FUEL PRICES TO REMAIN: The public is hereby informed that current fuel prices are competitive & will remain in place for a long time. Messages circulating on social media on fuel price hikes are malicious and meant to cause alarm & despondency,” said Mutodi.