Zvorwadza, Tajamuka Stage Peaceful Harare Protests

Lovemore Lubinda

The High Court of Zimbabwe has pushed the hearing of the application on the recent ban of protests in Harare to this Wednesday; while protests continued yesterday in Harare, in direct contravention with the Statutory Instrument 101A of 2016 that put the ban into effect.

High Court judge Priscillah Chigumba deferred the hearing urging the lawyers to prepare their points of arguments. This follows the urgent application against the ban by human rights lawyers fronted by Tendai Biti a lawyer who is also leader of People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Meanwhile, National Vendors Union of Zimbabwe (NAVUZ) leader Stan Zvorwadza defied the ban when he organised demonstrations in Harare yesterday where he promised more protests if the Zanu PF government continues of its path of human rights violations. Zvorwadza addressing citizens in the streets of Harare yesterday said it is disheartening that the government instead of finding the solutions to the problems is busy threatening and intimidation its own people.

“The so-called demonstrations ban is a null and void thing. This is just an idea to silence the people after they diverted the monies they looted from you to fund their own things. Our voice is clear to the government that they have no power to ban protests,” said Zvorwadza who was clad in a suit.

He said the protests are peaceful and that he opted to address people in the streets and also took advantage of the gatherings on the banks to reach out to the masses. Zvorwadza said protests are way to voice their concerns to the authorities, and urged the government to address people’s grievances and not to silence them.

A snap survey by Zim News across Harare’s Central Business District (CBD) yesterday revealed a largely calm situation with people carrying out their normal daily chores. Zim News also came across members of both NAVUZ and Tajamuka who were strategically positioned in various locations where they demonstrated peacefully, telling people that they are against the ban and the ill treatment of protestors by the state. Police also maintained heavy presence but, no cases of beatings or arrests were witnessed.

One NAVUZ member addressing people at a bank near Copa Cabana said they are protesting against the confiscation of vendors’ goods, police brutality, corruption, and abuse of public funds. She said it is bad to see people queuing on banks failing to get back their monies, added that the demo bans won’t work under these circumstances when people are suffering. zwnews.com