Cyclone Chalane has been downgraded to severe tropical storm Chalane. Heavy rains, strong winds and cloudy conditions are expected over Manicaland into Masvingo affecting Chimanimani, Chipinge, Mutare, Buhera, Bikita and Gutu.

The Eastern Highlands region of Zimbabwe has started receiving continuous light rains as a result of the former Tropical Storm Chalane which is now an overland Tropical Depression with the public urged to watch out for flooding, flash flooding, sudden gushes of water, mudslides or landslides, destructive winds and collapse of huts due to excessive moisture within the next 12 hours and beyond.

According to local reports, Cyclone Chalane is mainly concentrated in Mutare with some light rains falling in Chimanimani. It has been raining continuously in Mutare and all parts of Manicaland since morning and residents are being urged to be extra cautious as Cyclone Chalane approaches Zimbabwe.

A flooding alert issued by the Meteorological Services Department early this morning indicates that the Tropical Depression Chalane made a landfall over Beira in early hours of today and is expected to rapidly dissipate, with wind speed reducing from the current 50 knots to 25 knots, as it tracks westward over the rugged hills of the Eastern Highlands in the next 12 hours.

“These downpours may result in reduced visibility and flash flooding in areas with poor drainage as well as along river basins.

Mudslides and landslides as well as collapse of walls, due to excessive moisture, remain probable, thus monitoring your immediate environment is essential. Wherever possible, stay indoors,” warned the MSD.

The department also urged the public to watch out for the collapse of huts, houses and fallen trees due to excessive moisture.

Meanwhile, President Mnangagwa has warned people to be on the alert during this difficult time.

Cyclone #Chalane has this morning hit Zimbabwe and the government is doing everything it can to protect affected communities. We are informing all regional authorities of these developments and evacuations of critically affected areas are continuing to take place.(1)I urge all Zimbabweans to follow local safety guidelines and take measures to protect yourselves and your families. God bless you all,God Zimbabwe.(2)

Chimanimani-Mutare road

zwnews, mutare images credits.. diamond fm Zimbabwe