COSATU, a South African based labour organisation has encouraged Zimbabweans to pile pressure on President Mugabe’s government with more demonstrations and strikes until there is change in the country.

Speaking ahead of yesterday’s stay away strike in Zimbabwe, COSATU leadership told their counterparts in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions that there is need for more protests in the streets of Harare in order to  force Zimbabwe government to consider the demands of the people.

“Cosatu urges the people of Zimbabwe to continue with the struggle and not to watch idly while the government tramples upon the rights of workers and ordinary citizens,” Cosatu international relations secretary Bongani Masuku said.

Zimbabweans had tolerated their government’s violation of their rights for too long, he said.

“Such co-ordinated mass action is the only language that unresponsive regimes understand,” Masuku said.

The call came a day when protest leader Evan Mawarire ‘This Flag Zim’ won a major victory against Zimbabwe government and police.

Mawarire was freed last night after a Harare judge ruled his arrest unconstitutional.