President Emmerson Mnangagwa has assured world leaders and delegates who attended the 10th BRICS summit in South Africa that all measures have been taken and put in place to ensure peaceful, transparent, fair and credible elections due in two days time.

President Mnangagwa also expressed gratitude to observer missions deployed by various organisations including SADC and the African Union and some from countries that belong to the BRICS grouping, for responding positively to the invitation by the Zimbabwean government.

The President joined all the five leaders of member states of the BRICS grouping namely President Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Michel Tenor of Brazil, Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India at the BRICS Outreach Dialogue meeting that was held at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg.

In his address to the world leaders and delegates, President Mnangagwa said all the necessary measures for a credible election have been put in place in line with regional guidelines governing the holding of elections.

“My country goes to the polls in two days time which are set to deepen our democratic traditions in keeping with the guidelines and standards set by SADC and AU,” he said.

The BRICS goals and aspirations resonate with President Mnangagwa’s vision of modernisation and industrialisation and he told the summit that he feels privileged to be sharing views and seeking ways to foster inclusive growth with them.

“We are now at the climax of the campaign period but I considered it essential to be present at this forum and have this rare and privileged opportunity to exchange views with all of you in such a setting,” President Mnangagwa added.

The President said government is prioritising infrastructure development and transformation of the economy and turning the country into a middle income country by 2030.

“My country is determined to leapfrog our development and growth. We have started on an ambitious but attainable drive to industrialise and modernise all sectors of our economy,” he said.

The summit which started on Wednesday and ended today saw the BRICS leaders adopting the Johannesburg Declaration, which is putting emphasis on fair trade, sustainable development and an inclusive economy.

The collaboration between African countries and BRICS countries is expected to bring about concrete measures that can address challenges faced by developing nations in their productive sectors.

Meanwhile President Mnangagwa, who was accompanied by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Retired Lieutenant General Sibusiso Moyo, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services Mr George Charamba and some senior government officials, has returned home.

The President was met at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport by Vice President Retired General Dr Constantino Chiwenga, Minister of State for Harare Province Miriam Chikukwa, Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet Dr Misheck Sibanda, service chiefs and senior government officials. zbc