Disgraced Zimdancehall singer Lady Squanda, real name Sandra Muchaneta Gazi  has been appropriately described as a ‘rotten fruit’ in the Zimbabwean music scene following her disgusting behaviour against Zim comedian Ibra Skimbo, real name Tatenda Matika.

In a shocking video that has since gone viral online, Squanda is seen assaulting Skimbo who is trapped  in a locked car.

There are at least two more male culprits whose voices can be heard on the video.

Squanda may find it hard to travel abroad to strict countries in EU including places like UK where there is zero tolerance to such behaviour.

As a result Squanda has already been dropped from a Zimbabwe musical group visiting UK as she could have spoiled other people’s chance of getting a visa.

Meanwhile Zimbabweans have taken to social media to express their feelings towards Lady Squanda:

  • You just cannot treat a fellow human being like that. That was pathetic and horrendous. She must be reported to the police.
  • Throw her in a male prison ….there is no lady like that
  • Yes she must face abuse charges with he accomplices. Boycott her shows
  • Zimbabwe’s Dumbest Criminals. How can u assault a defenceless person and film it. All the evidence pachena nxa shame. Common sense is not so common after all..
  • Stupid attention seeking woman, the comedian has to report her to the police, otherwise without him coming forward no action will be taken by the police..what ppl can do is to boycott her shows..!!