Under fire Zanu-pf national political commissar Mr Saviour Kasukuwere has all but confirmed that he is plotting to topple President Mugabe after he accused The Herald of failing to understand the “seismic political movement underway” that he believes will give him power to influence editorial appointments at the country’s biggest daily newspaper.

Kasukuwere exposed his shenanigans in a Twitter message yesterday.

Reads the tweet: “They have failed to completely understand the seismic political movement underway. @herald will require a new pair of hands soon. It’s on.”

Cde Kasukuwere immediately switched off his cellphone when contacted for comment yesterday.

Cde Kasukuwere is facing charges of working to topple the President by creating parallel structures and fanning factionalism in provinces.

Nine out of 10 zanu-pf provinces recently passed votes of no confidence against him.

A probe team led by Politburo member and Speaker of the National Assembly Cde Jacob Mudenda found Cde Kasukuwere guilty on most of the litany of charges he is facing.

Cde Kasukuwere was found guilty of creating shadow MPs as part of his bigger scheme to topple the President by appointing people loyal to him.

He was also found guilty of interfering in the operations of his home province, Mashonaland Central as he was signatory to the party’s provincial account despite him not being a member.

He was also found guilty of victimising Women’s League members over mining claims at Mukaradzi and Kitsiyatota in the province.

The probe team also found that Cde Kasukuwere’s half brother and acting Mashonaland Central provincial chairman Cde Dickson Mafios and the province’s secretary for administration Cde Wonder Mashange had failed to properly administer the affairs of the province.

The case was referred to Zanu PF’s First Secretary President Mugabe and his deputies to make a final determination.

The embattled political commissar was recently pictured consulting a faith healer, Evangelist Chamoto from Guta raMwari Church in Bulawayo as his woes mount.

He has reportedly previously consulted traditional healer, Sekuru Ndunge from Chipinge.

Political analyst Mr Goodwine Mureriwa said Cde Kasukuwere had made his nefarious ambitions open.

“He has just confirmed what the party structures have been saying all along that he is part of, if not the brains behind attempts to topple President Mugabe,” said Mr Mureriwa.

“The party should take action against him because he cannot talk of “seismic political movement” when he is a member of the ruling party. What does he mean by that statement?”

Asked for a comment on Cde Kasukuwere’s tweet, Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) chairman Cde Chris Mutsvangwa said; “These are delusions of a midget mind that has no capacity to comprehend how statecraft operates.”Tanzania based analyst Mr Tafadzwa Mugwadi said Cde Kasukuwere’s statements were synonymous with opposition elements.

“It is the kind of language you expect from opposition elements, not from a person who holds a senior position in both the Government and ruling party.

That statement is pregnant with meaning and exposes his unbridled ambition for power,” said Mr Mugwadi.

“He has become unruly and the party should put an end to his plots,” he said. state media