Edmore Mhangami

There was mayhem at a church in Mahombekombe suburb, Kariba, after a man tried to steal money meant for offering.

The incident that has become the talk show of the small community saw Chamunorwwa Zingwe trying to crook the Faith Ministries congregates into giving him money meant for offering last Sunday.

Apparently Zingwe had hatched a plan to lie that he was from out of town and had lost his money for transport.

Sources close to the action revealed that the man allegedly attended the whole sermon and introduced himself as a visitor.

The sources said after the service the crook star then sent elder Mpofu to ask for money on his behalf which he claimed was for bus fare back to his rural home.

“Zingwe claimed he had come to our camp meeting which was held  the previous week on 14 May.   He said it was during this camp that he had lost his wallet with US$20. Up to now he has been staying at a friend’s place trying to source the money for transport,” said Mai Kudzai from the same church.

The source said the con men’s plan almost worked out as the church willingly donated offering to cover his bus fare.

But Zingwe ran out of luck when an alert elderly woman in the church reviewed his little plan.

“Gogo Dzapasi from our church then identified the con. She quickly rose up and unpacked the man’s secret. She said this was not the first time she had seen this man as he had done the same trick at a church in Nyamhunga suburb,” said Mai Kudzi.

This then caused agitation in the congregation. Our Pastor Mr Denis Magwezi was the one who then asked the church to calm down,” said the source.

In a twist of events, the church leadership did an unusual custom and decided to  give the con man all the offering collected on the day.

Pastor Magwezi confirmed the incident after being contacted; he however refused to further comment on the issue.
Efforts to get a comment from the alleged con man were fruitless.