President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who is in resort Victoria Falls for an energy conference, has implored on religious sects to cooperate with his Zimbabwe Government.

According to the 79-year old Zanu PF leader, there is need for local religious establishments to cooperate with his Harare Administration albeit the existing differences between the church and government.

Mnangagwa told the religious leaders that, while Government looks after the body:

“You (church leaders) look after the soul which doesn’t die”.

The Department of Presidential Communications made the revelations about Mnangagwa’s meeting with clerics led by prominent clergyman and Zimbabwe Christian Churches leader Nehemiah Mutendi.

Said the Department on its official Twitter handle:

H. E. President (Mnangagwa) meets with the Zimbabwe Indigenous Interdenomination Council of Churches leadership led by Bishop Nehemiah Mutendi after the energy conference.

The President said there is a difference between the church & the state but the two should cooperate. He said churches minister the soul whilst government looks after the body. As government we Minister what is material which expires. You minister the soul which doesn’t die”.
