Nokuthula Moyo Parties in France as her father fights fraud allegations

Zimbabwe and Zanu PF Minister Jonathan Moyo has been dragged into fresh controversy after his daughter bragged online how she was enjoying good life in Paris.

Nokuthula who recently turned 26 decided to celebrate her birthday in style as if she is not aware that her father’s empire is on fire.

Many social media users have criticised her for enjoying ‘stolen money’ while the rest of the country is suffering.

Some comments and attacks directed at her are too gross to be printed online.

A number of Twitter users allege that Nokuthula flew to Paris on Zimdef funds.

Her father is facing allegations of abusing thousands of Zimdef funds. He has already been summoned by courts and Parliament in relation to fraud allegations.

He was almost arrested last week before President Mugabe  stopped the anti-fraud police at Zanu PF offices.