Outspoken opposition CCC MP Job Sikhala has released shocking pictures taken from Chikurubi prison cells were Zimbabwe opposition and political prisoners are often detained.

Sikhala posted pictures of squalid prison cells and said he was once subjected to a dehumanising experience.

He posted:

This is the way we were sleeping and maltreated at Chikurubi Maximum Prison when myself,  @daddyhope and @NgarivhumeJacob were detained. This is the prison life they exposed us to for fighting and opposing corruption.

Other former detainees recall harrowing time when they were detained at Zimbabwe’s notorious prison :

Charlton Hwende, CCC

When I was wrongfully arrested and charged for treason and spent time at Chikurubi maximum Prison this is how we used to sleep. Leg irons were the most difficult part for me though.

Pastor Evan Mawarire, This Flag Zimbabwe

Nope that’s not a stock pic. That’s the picture from inside Chikurubi. Horrible memories of the treatment in there

Jacob Ngarivhume, Transform Zimbabwe

This pains me but it does not break me. They wanted to teach us a lesson so that we would be silent. But it has not worked and it never will. A luta Continua

The revelations come after Zimbabwe prison officers at the country’s maximum-security Prison, Chikurubi, have said that the correctional service centre’s infrastructure was falling apart due to lack of maintenance.