Zim women go for 2 in 1 marriage arrangement

After reporters brought to light the case of a Gokwe woman living with 2 husbands, it has been noted in 2016 that there are more pairs of Zimbabwean men living with one woman as wife.

As this bizarre arrangement is becoming common many people are left wondering what has gone wrong in our society.

This week another woman Chako(pictured above) has set tongues wagging after sensationally declaring that she is married to two husbands and they all sleep on one bed even when they are having quality time one has to just watch while the other two enjoy themselves.

“We are a happy family, I live with my two husbands and we love one another. My two husbands are best friends and they are always together,” boasted Chako.

Chimoto is the elder husband hence the senior while Hwita is the junior. Chako brazenly claims that she “married” the second husband Hwita because Chimoto “is elderly and increasingly becoming weak in bed”. “I love both men.

She revealed that her younger husband does the dirty bedroom business declaring that his biggest strength is he is excellent and strong in bed “To be honest, in terms of conjugal rights I favour Hwita. He gets me there. I only do it with Chimoto as a token.

At times, I feel pity for Chimoto and give him token conjugal rights and he appreciates that. The rule is no one gets out of the room, because he is not on duty. Whoever is not on duty, just watches us at it,” narrated Chako.

Pictures below show how common it is becoming for a woman to have two husbands in Zimbabwe..


Above:Zimbabwe woman, Maria living  in UK with her 2 husbands(Paul and Peter) and kids


Above..Hurungwe Zimbabwe: Emily and her 2 husbands(Chamunorwa and Samuel)


Featured: Chako and her 2 men Hwita and Chimoto


                                                    Also in Zimbabwe, above is a photo of a Gokwe woman who is married to 2 best friends