Zanu PF Midlands provincial chairperson Engineer Daniel Mackenzie Ncube has said that he has no problems with being dismissed from the ruling party in the event that he is found to be the problem for the violence which typified the justifiably abandoned intraparty polls which were aimed at coming up with the sole candidate to represent the party in the forthcoming by-elections for Kwekwe Central Constituency.

Addressing delegates during the Midlands Provincial Coordinating Committee (PCC) meeting in Gweru last weekend, Engineer Ncube said he could not set up a committee to institute investigations in the matter to avoid ‘investigating ourselves’.

Together with his deputy and Shurugwi North MP Robson Nyathi, Engineer Ncube said the rowdy Zanu PF youths physically attacked them with stones. This was after supporters linked to state security Minister Owen Ncube’s nephew Energy Ncube, turned violent attacking the presiding team for allegedly having been bribed by the party’s 2018 candidate Kandros Mugabe, who was contesting in the primaries.

“But these were not the usual guys I know. I didn’t know these youths and the situation was tense I tell you. We were afraid because they were so rowdy. But what I know is there is a serious problem there. Maybe I am the problem and if so, remove me and the problem will be gone. Maybe there are other sources of the problem and similarly, the sources must be removed because we can’t be associated with violence at whatever stage,” Eng Ncube said.

“The party is bigger than us and fact is we can’t brush aside what happened in Kwekwe Central. If I made a mistake then, I should be brought to order and if it’s anyone who made the mistake, they should be brought to order. At the end of the day we must have answers to this. As chairman I can’t say I have put a committee because we might be investigating ourselves. So, we refer this to the commissariat so that our leaders investigate us because we can’t pretend it didn’t happen. Since when have we started hiring people because we want to force our way? Not, it’s not called for,” he said.

Speaking at the same occasion, Zanu PF Politburo member Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said those who instigated the violence in the aborted Kwekwe primary elections were going to be dealt with, accordingly.

“With regards to the violence that occurred in Kwekwe Central Constituency, the matter must be investigated fully and those found on the wrong must be brought to book. We can’t and won’t tolerate indiscipline in our party. We are a party that brought about the independence we are enjoying today and we are and won’t be associated with thuggery whatsoever,” said Mumbengegwi.

“Leaders are chosen and we all can’t be leaders at the same time. If we feel we are being wronged, there are internal procedures to be followed and not violence,” he said.

Zwnews/state media