General Secretary of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC), Rev Kenneth Mtata says the church is pursuing a regime of peace, justice and prosperity for all Zimbabweans, not to unseat President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government as being alleged.

Meanwhile, responding Permanent Secretary for Information Nick Mangwana’s assertion that the ZCC is working on an agenda to cause regime change in Zimbabwe, Mtata says if calling for peace, prosperity and justice is regime change, so be it.

“The church is pursuing a REGIME of peace, justice and prosperity for all Zimbabweans.

“This mandate derives from the scriptures, the liberation struggle, & the Zimbabwean constitution.

“If this makes us “Regime Change Agents”, let it be,” he says.

ZANU-PF Secretary for Security in the Politburo, Lovemore Matuke recently said the ZCC was not in good faith in their call for dialogue between Mnangagwa and MDC Alliance president Nelson Chamisa.

Matuke accused the churches body of fronting a regime change agenda, the assertion supported by Mangwana.
