2013 parliamentary candidate for the then Professor Welshman Ncube-led MDC-N, Catherine Bhobho has declared her support for Zanu PF in the forthcoming Kwekwe Central by-elections, saying the MDC Alliance fronted by Nelson Chamisa had no chance of winning the impending polls.

The Kwekwe Central seat fell vacant following the demise of National Patriotic Front (NPF) legislator, Masango Matambanadzo in July this year.

And, speaking to Zwnews at her Amaveni residence in Kwekwe this week, Bhobho, who acrimoniously dumped the MDC led by the late Morgan Tsvangirai to join the now defunct MDC-N, said Chamisa’s MDC-A had no chances of bagging the Kwekwe Central urban seat.

In justifying her insinuations, Bhobho said the party is not only ill-prepared for the much anticipated by-elections, but also erred in its choice of Judith Tobaiwa as the candidate in the polls.

“For the first time in my voting history, I will vote in favour of Zanu PF because I cannot waste my time voting for a party that will obviously lose the elections. There’s a lot of confusion in the MDC Alliance and coming up with a candidate like Judy (Tobaiwa) is testimony to that. She (Tobaiwa) is only there because of the influence of her father (Kwekwe deputy mayor Shadreck Tobaiwa).

The problem with Chamisa is that he surrounded himself with people who hardly value meritorious considerations when it comes to important matters like this by-election,” Bhobho said.

Asked who she was going to vote for in Zanu PF since the ruling party was yet to come up with a candidate after the chaotic primary elections pitting the party’s 2018 candidate and Energy Ncube were abandoned amid chaotic scenes, Bhobho said she was going to ballot in favour of whoever was going to represent the revolutionary party in the by-elections.

“It doesn’t really matter who will represent Zanu PF- I am going to support that candidate hundred percent. Whoever is going to face Judy (Tobaiwa) is bound to win. She’s not even popular here in Amaveni where she stays and it is highly unlikely that she’ll be able to get votes from other suburbs,” said Bhobho.

Tobaiwa triumphed in the recently held MDC-A intraparty polls, beating heavyweights who included former Health minister Dr Henry Madzorera and ex-Kwekwe MP Blessing Chebundo.

The former MP made history in the 2000 elections after out-balloting current Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the historic parliamentary plebiscite.
