Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) Commissioner Gabriel Chaibva says he supports the Gold Mafia which is reportedly looting the country’s resources.

Chaibva says the Gold Mafia succeeded in countering the sanctions which were imposed against Zimbabwe by Western countries.

“I support the gold mafia. They successfully managed to counter sanctions. Kuronga kurongerana.

“Harare-Chirundu road work is already underway. Nelson Chamisa will never succeed,” he says.

Chaibva’s comments comes at the time Zimbabweans are worried after the Aljazeera documentary on rampant corruption in the country.

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe through its Financial Intelligence Unit has since launched a probe against Uebert Angel who has been fingered in the documentary.

Apparently, unlike its Commissioner Chaibva, ZACC recently announced that it would probe all those implicated in the Aljazeera documentary.

Apparently, the same Chaibva is on record calling on public office holders to always maintain transparency in discharging their duties so as to gain public trust.

Commissioner Chaibva while delivering a speech during the closing ceremony of Manicaland Provincial Rural Anti-Corruption Awareness Campaign at Gaza Business Centre in Murambinda recently emphasized the importance of upholding integrity, accountability and transparency by public office bearers when executing their duties so that they gain public trust.
