CCC President Nelson Chamisa  yesterday visited Gokwe-Nembudziya as part of his ongoing rural mobilization campaign ahead of the August 23 harmonized elections. During his address to the cluster leaders and members and villagers, he made a commitment to transform Gokwe into a modern town by adding value to their cash crop, cotton. Currently, cotton farmers are receiving a meager $0.35 per kg, which falls well below the production cost. Chamisa pledged to raise the payment to $1 per kg once he assumes office on the 23rd of August.

I’m at Nembudziya in Gokwe. The hunger for change is palpable. Cotton prices, roads , water and development are keys issues raised by the local community this side. As a new and incoming government #ForEveryone we will address these challenges through our soon to be launched New Great Zimbabwe policy blueprint! NC