Ten cross border travellers fell victim to robbers along Bulawayo-Beitbridge highway after the car they were travelling in suffered two tyre punctures following spikes placed in the road by daring criminals. Upon disembarking to fix the punctures, the thieves pounced in the stranded passengers stealing phones, cash and groceries.

The situation in Zimbabwe is becoming more and more desperate with criminals now becoming more daring and executing movie-style heists on the unsuspecting public.

Zimbabwe police have since issued a statement and promised to deal with culprits:

10 people were robbed of cellphones, cash, groceries, and clothes by a gang of men along Bulawayo – Beitbridge Rd on 4/12/19 around 0300 hours. The vehicle they were travelling in had two tyre punctures after going over some spikes set by the robbers. We appeal to motorists to be alert. The police will not rest until the perpetrators are brought to book.