ZANU-PF 347th Ordinary Session of the Politburo

By Acting Party Spokesperson Cde Chinamasa_

16 December 2020

🔶The 347th Ordinary Session marks the last Politburo session for the year 2020

🔶ZANU PF thanks the Almighty God for the abundant rains marking the beginning of a promising season. We call upon our people, as already said by President Mnangagwa, to put shoulders to the wheel and plant our crops now to enhance food security.

🔶DCC elections faced a number of challenges, key among them were the heavy rains that gave us logistical challenges and made it difficult for our members to exercise their democratic right to vote. However we still remain grateful for the good rains

🔶Overally, our DCC elections were 99.9% peaceful. A few incidents like in Nyanga where cde Moses Gutu is facing allegations of disrupting elections will come before the National Disciplinary Committee


🔶 _Manicaland Province_

Results from the 8 districts in Manicaland were accepted except for the post of Chairperson for Mutare Urban. There will be a rerun for the post of Chairperson only

🔶 _Mashonaland Central_

Results from all districts of Mashonaland Central were accepted

🔶 _Mashonaland East_

Results from districts of Mashonaland East were all accepted

🔶 _Mashonaland West_

Results from districts in Mashonaland West were accepted except for the post of Chairperson for Makonde District. There will be a rerun for the post of Chairman only

🔶 _Masvingo_

Results from all the 7 districts in Masvingo were accepted

🔶 _Matabeleland North_

Results from districts of Mat North were also accepted. However the Politburo was informed that there may be a petition from Hwange that will be considered on its merit. Meanwhile Hwange results stand accepted pending consideration of the petition that may be received. In Tsholotsho there will be a rerun of the post of chairperson only

🔶_Matabeleland South_

Results from districts of Mat South were accepted. Politburo was again informed that there may be a petition from Umzingwane District. However results stand accepted pending consideration of said petition


Results from all the districts in Midlands were accepted

🔶Reruns will take place on the 28th of December 2020

🔶The post of Secretary for Veterans of the Liberation Struggle was not voted for because some of the classes of veterans (War Collaborators) are yet to be vetted. Furthermore the League of veterans of the liberation struggle must first constitute party districts in their respective areas

🔶There will be a Central Committee meeting on 30 December 2020

🔶The National Chair presented an update report on Covid—19. Cumulative cases as of yesterday stood at 11 358 with 9 554 recoveries and 309 deaths giving a positive recovery rate of 84%.
However ZANU PF cautions the public to abide by all W.H.O protocols during this festive season

🔶The demolitions in Budiriro were sought and carried out by the MDC run City Council. However Nelson Chamisa, fully aware that the demolitions were done by the MDC run council went on to blame Central government. Thereby lying to the Nation

🔶The ZANU PF position is clear that where there are unplanned settlements, there will be no demolitions until alternative settlements are arranged.

🔶ZANU PF is shocked that the Chamisa led MDC would go ahead and demolish settlements without offering alternative arrangements. The Party was not aware the Mdc led council was carrying out demolitions otherwise we would have found ways to stop them

🔶It is clear that Chamisa is opportunistic and lacks the moral fibre to admit that they erred and has no regard for the truth. ZANU PF strongly condemns this lack of principle and moral fibre in Chamisa

🔶Central government through the Minister of State for Harare is now in the process of helping those whose livelihood has been lost

🔶Politburo is concerned about the increase in the spate of robberies in Masvingo and Mash East. ZANU PF appeals to members of the public to be alert and the ZRP to nip such acts in the bud

🔶ZANU PF congratulates Ghana’s President elect Nana Akufo Addo as well as the Guinea Conakry President Alpha Condé on his election.

🔶Politburo took note of efforts by SADC to take measures to root out insurgents in Mozambique

🔶Politburo further took note of the positive gesture by nurses of the Sally Mugabe hospital who bravely broke ranks with the opposition aligned ZINA and returned to work. That is the spirit of patriotism that is commendable

🔶ZANU PF has noticed that few women submit CVs to contest for positions both in the Party and Government. The Party encourages more women to contest for all posts and will not rest until this is addressed

🔶Vice President Chiwenga will be launching a book titled “Goose or Gander – The United Nations Security Council and the Ethic of Double Standards” today, while Minister Sithembiso Nyoni will be launching the National Dress on Saturday the 19th of December 2020.

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