The Harare City Council is working to revive Rufaro Marketing under which it ran over 80 beerhalls across the capital.

Rufaro Marketing closed in 2012 after failing to service a debt of over US$5 million.

Council says it has already set-up a committee to look into reviving the company.

“The Acting Finance Director reported that Council set up revenue Blitz Team in November 2020 divided into various areas of focus.

“There was a team looking at the subsidiaries which included Rufaro Marketing.

The recommendations arose from the activities and findings of the subcommittee of the Revenue Blitz Team.

“Council had also set a Special Committee consisting of Councillors to look at the status of Rufaro Marketing in 2019”, it said.

However, the Special Committee is yet to report back to Council on its findings.

The shutting down of Rufaro Marketing in 2012 is blamed on poor management, rampant theft and maladministration.

In order to pay off its debt, the then Rufaro Marketing acting CEO Daniel Mutiwadirwa, decided to lease out all of the 86 Rufaro Marketing outlets.

The move was sanctioned by the Harare City Council.

The outlets have since been rented by entities such as TN Holdings, Delta and PSMI.

Six outlets were offered for free to 27 retrenched workers as part of an empowerment program.

Some of the former beerhalls have also been subdivided into informal trading places in some locations.
