GWERU: 5  machete-wielding thugs recently invaded a packed ZAOGA church in Mkomba, Gweru, got away with money and valuables, police sources say.

The incident is reported to have happened in the early hours of Tuesday during a night of prayer.

Police Midlands provincial spokesperson, Inspector Joel Goko said law enforcement agents have since launched a manhunt for the notorious  criminals who have taken the country by storm since the fall of Robert Mugabe’s adminstration.

Members of the public should report suspicious characters to the police as soon as they notice something unusual immediately.

The machete gangsters forced the worshippers to lie down and moved around searching valuables from church members stealing three cell phones and cash amounting to ZW$1500 and US$20.

Originally from Shurugwi and Kwekwe, Mashurugwis now have their claws in all Zimbabwe provinces including Harare and Bulawayo.

They are feared by law enforcement agencies because of their connections to people in higher offices.