President Emmerson Mnangagwa has described Grace Mugabe as an untrustworthy and immature person who was used and abused by powerful individuals in Zanu-PF and government to harm him.

The controversial former Zimbabwe first lady is back in news as a picture of her doing Victory sign appeared online few days after Mnangagwa was nearly killed in a bomb blast in Bulawayo during a Zanu-PF rally on Saturday, 23 June.

While addressing foreign reporters, Mnangagwa singled out rogue elements within the Grace Mugabe led G40 faction as ‘criminals’ behind the White City Stadium bombing.

When told, “you sound quite angry (with Grace), president Mnangagwa responded: “No I feel sympathy for her because she was in my view political immature and was easily used as a tool by those who wanted to get at me.”

Answering on whether he trusted Mrs Mugabe, he said: “On what basis would I trust somebody who was used by a cabal to say things which had no basis at all.”

The former first family has not yet issued a public statement following the tragedy in a political party elder Mugabe led for more than four decades.