Over the past few days, there has been an upsurge of social media messages presenting self-exiled former Cabinet Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere as an alternative to President Emmerson Mnangagwa ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

This social media upsurge has seen Facebook, Twitter and Instagram messages aiming at giving the impression that Kasukuwere has a large following in the country with WhatsApp groups named #TysonWabantu being created.

Reports on social media has revealed that the social media upsurge is another former Cabinet Minister, Professor Jonathan Moyo’s brainchild as the G40 cabal attempts to gauge Kasukuwere’s acceptability on the ground ahead of the elections.

After the dismal failure of the National Patriotic Front (NPF), the G40 cabal are at ‘sixes and sevens’ as to how they are going to stay politically relevant with the already lean support base dwindling with time.

The backlash on social media to #TysonWabantu has not been encouraging with netizens dismissing Kasukuwere as a corrupt individual who has too many skeletons in his closet therefore unfit to occupy the highest office in the land.

This sad development has forced the G40 elements to consider another option with former first lady, Grace Mugabe being considered to lead the new outfit as she is also its biggest financial donor. This move too, they fear would backfire as Grace Mugabe is not too popular and is widely blamed for having catapulted her husbands ‘removal’ from power.

Grace Mugabe is many things but subtleness is not her best suit. Recently she was in both the print and social media after hiring thugs to go and forcibly remove Adonia Makombe, Nyika Chifamba and Sahungwe Hungwe from their Teviotdale Farm, which Grace alleges belongs to her son, Chatunga Mugabe.

Grace Mugabe’s statements during the fracas point to someone who is yet to get to terms with her current situation as she was heard, threatening that President Mnangagwa’s Government would collapse and everyone will ‘kneel before’ her.

She is also quoted saying that the country is being run like a ‘tuckshop,’ a jibe direct at President Mnangagwa.

The sinister plot, which Grace Mugabe revealed to everyone is that she believes she will make a political comeback with the support of the G40 elements inclusive of Prof Moyo, Kasukuwere and Patrick Zhuwao.

The G40 elements are aware that they would not defeat Zanu PF but are riding on the hope that they would embarrass the ruling party and then join forces with the Nelson Chamisa led MDC in the 2023 harmonised elections.

Former Zanu PF members, Jim Kunaka and Justin Chisaru have been tasked with spearheading the mobilisation process ahead of the official launch as the group has decided to do away with the NPF name.

Prof Moyo, Kasukuwere, Zhuwao and company are just clutching at straws in their bid to stay politically relevant. The group believe that politics will save them from persecution but the reality is, they should come and let the courts decide their fate and move on.

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