Zimbabwe First Lady, Grace Mugabe, has been linked many times to on-going fraud allegations but has come out guns blazing, attacking people abusing high offices at the expense of local communities.

Speaking at Zivagwe Bridge in Chivhu, Mashonaland East province, yesterday, Grace said elected officials such as MPs and councillors could cost Zanu PF dearly if they do not work hard, but continue to loot public resources ahead of elections.

Speaking in Shona, Grace indicated that people were fed-up with corrupt and underperforming MPs and they would not vote for them.

“Pay attention to those matters that make life better for the communities you represent,” she said.

“There are some among us, who have consistently disappointed. Please, MPs, I implore you, your people need you. You are there to serve them,” she added.

Grace’s statement comes at a time when her allies in Zanu PF are facing fraud allegations.

Some of the stolen money was diverted to projects run by the First Lady.