President Robert Mugabe’s sister Regina Gata has praised former First Lady, Amai Grace for foiling plans by people who wanted to use the late former Zimbabwe leader’s body parts for rituals.

Gata showered her sister-in-law with praises for her heroic stance and commitment to the wishes of her late husband Robert Mugabe adding that she defended his body to the grave.

She said:

“She (Grace) stood as a hero and said she would not betray him even on his death bed.

She took care of him in life and death and defended his body so that nobody could defile it.

There are others who wanted to do traditional things on it, but we stood firm and said no.”

Robert Mugabe’s family claimed there were people that wanted to use his body parts for ritual purposes.

The family decided to bury him in Kutama after initially agreeing that his remains be interred at the Heroes Acre in Harare. Mugabe’s grave and coffins were sealed with steel, concrete and stones making it practically impossible for thieves to raid his final resting place for body parts.