Cabinet received an update on the industrial action by Public Hospital Doctors and City of Harare Nurses. The Minister of Health and Child Care reported that the Doctors’ strike has now gone beyond 84 days, with the doctors continuing to cite incapacitation. As such, health service provision at most Central hospitals remains constrained.

On the situation at Harare City Council clinics, the Minister indicated that 99 out of the expected 179 nurses turned up for duty as of 25th November, 2019. The recent opening of the Edith Opperman Clinic in Mbare has since eased the challenge of home-based deliveries.

Pertaining to disciplinary hearings for striking doctors, the Minister informed Cabinet that 508 disciplinary cases on doctors that have not been coming to work have so far been heard, out of which 498 doctors were found guilty. It will be recalled that from the previous report, 435 doctors had been discharged, and since then an additional 13 doctors have been found guilty and discharged, bringing the cumulative total of doctors discharged to 448. In addition to the 508 disciplinary cases heard by the 25th November 2019, an additional 43 doctors from the Provinces are awaiting hearing. Serving of charge letters for 57 Senior Doctors at Central Hospitals commenced on the 25th November, 2019.

Regarding the recruitment of Doctors, the Ministry of Health and Child Care will publish before the end of this week an advert in the press for all posts that have become vacant as a result of the disciplinary process.

Processes on the recruitment of 700 nurses, 150 Cuban medical staff as well as the training of 6000 Clinical Officers are being expedited.

Once again, Cabinet wishes to assure the nation that all avenues to ensure that the situation in the health sector returns to normalcy are being explored for immediate implementation.