Zimbabwe authorities have seized a brand new Bentley Continental GT belonging to Genius Kadungure aka Ginimbi.

The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority(Zimra) alleges that Ginimbi who imported the car into the country  just over a week ago did not pay duty for the luxurious vehicle.

Not to be outdone by government, Ginimbi is now suing Zimra.

His court papers read:

“In the interim, I seek an interdict prohibiting the first respondent (Zimra) and her officers from seizing or embargoing my vehicle on the basis that the duty paid was insufficient without first seeking an order from this court to that effect

…Having purchased the vehicle and paid for it in full, I caused it to be imported into Zimbabwe through the Beitbridge border post. I attach relevant documents from the cargo carrier and from South African authorities pertaining to the clearing and movement of the vehicle… as the vehicle had been in a South African bonded warehouse, it had to be cleared by the South African authorities…

At the border, I appeared personally and filled in Form No 52A which is a customs duty declaration form… I declared that the vehicle ought to be assessed duty on its purchase price. The customs officers responsible inspected the vehicle and they assessed duty in terms of that figure and an invoice for customs duty and VAT was issued.”

Ginimbi is a close relative of Marry Chiwenga-Mubaiwa(pictured with him above) who is also having issues with authorities after falling out with her powerful husband, General Constantino Guvheya Nyikadzino Chiwenga.