Nelson Chamisa led MDC Alliance is involved in critical negotiations with the Robert Mugabe backed National Patriotic Front (NPF) over the formation of a new broad coalition dubbed the Grand National Union (GNU), sources have said.

The secret negotiations, facilitated by a panel of eminent persons, are designed to ensure NPF and other key opposition parties throw their weight behind Chamisa in the general elections set for July 30.

The NPF has its roots in Zanu-PF’s G40 faction which was fronted by former first lady Grace Mugabe, but has the ex-president’s support behind-the-scenes.

Bilateral talks between MDC-T, already working with Welshman Ncube’s MDC and Tendai Biti’s People Democratic Party in the alliance, and NPF are part of broader talks which include other parties like Joice Mujuru’s National People’s Party, Dumiso Dabengwa’s Zapu, Simba Makoni’s Mavambo/Kusile/Dawn and Thokozani Khupe’s MDC-T faction. Elton Mangoma’s Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe is also in the loop.

The NPF supported the MDC Alliance’s protest march in Harare on Tuesday demanding electoral reforms, and free and fair elections.

As part of the talks, one of the proposals being considered is that Chamisa, who has emerged as the strongest opposition candidate by support base and popular appeal, should be deputised by Mujuru and Khupe.

As part of negotiations, an MDC-T delegation met NPF officials in Johannesburg, South Africa, last weekend to discuss the issue. The MDC-T team consisted of acting chairperson Morgen Komichi, secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora, acting spokesperson Thabitha Khumalo and Theresa Makoni. The NPF team comprised Mugabe’s exiled nephew Patrick Zhuwao, chairperson Eunice Sandi Moyo, Jappy Jaboon and spokesman Jealousy Mawarire.

Negotiations for a grand opposition alliance were today rocked by after npf leader Ambrose Mutinhiri was fired this morning before he organised a press conference where he also fired Jealous Mawarire and Grace Mugabe for joining MDC Alliance without his approval.

This came against a backdrop of stories swirling around that NPF was going to have a launch tomorrow at City Sports Centre in Harare to change leadership, with former Zanu-PF national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere purportedly becoming the new leader replacing Mutinhiri.

Kasukuwere’s name was again linked to the NPF chaos yesterday. He was, however, not available for comment. the independed