An elected Zanu PF party branch vice chairperson who is challenging the legitimacy of President Mnangagwa’s appointment as Zanu PF leader in the High Court, Sybeth Musengezi, yesterday appeared in court on allegations of using a fake address to join the party.

Musengezi last month shocked Zanu PF colleagues when he said “I’m not voting for Dambudzo Mnangagwa if he is our Presidential Candidate for 2023. Him and his administration have clearly failED.”

Musengezi appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court charged with fraud.

He was not asked to plead to the charges when he appeared before magistrate Mrs Yeukai Dzuda, who remanded him in custody to today for continuation of his bail application. 

The State led by Mr Anesu Chirenje and Mr George Manokore opposed his bail application saying he was likely to evade trial and they called the investigating officer, Detective Inspector Arimon Mirimbo, to support their opposition to bail.

Det Asst Mirimbo told the court that they made checks at 4315 Hatcliffe Extension where Sarudzayi Rudziva wrote that he resides and discovered that he never stayed at that place.

Allegations are that sometime in 2012, Musengezi, acting in common purpose with Allen Chisuko and Taurai Mutimbanyoka, misrepresented to Zanu PF that he stayed at 4315 Hatcliffe Extension, Harare, for him to join as a member of the party’s Muzinda 1A District.

It is said that he was then registered and became a member.

In 2019, Musengezi allegedly connived with Taurai Mutimbanyoka and misrepresented that he was within the cells of Zanu PF’s Mai Chitepo Branch, Muzinda 1 District.

The court heard that Musengezi then also became eligible for elections to a Zanu PF branch position or post, a preserve only for Zanu PF political party members in the cell structures.

Musengezi was then elected as the vice chairperson of the Zanu PF Mai Chitepo Branch, Muzinda H District Youth Wing.

It is alleged that Musengezi deprived the party of its good reputation and good administration.

He also allegedly participated in Zanu PF political elections and programmes which he was not entitled to and which he would not have been allowed to if he was not a valid member.

state media