Gospel musician Fungisai Zvakavapano-Mashavave has come under fire on social media after she responded harshly to a follower who asked her about her husband.

This was after she posted a picture of herself with her kids and the father of her kids was not in the picture.

The troll wrote: “Ko baba varipi? the pic looks incomplete without a father figure.”

However, Fungisai did not take the question lightly and she responded:

“Whoever gave you the right to drag my husband into social media just because ndakakuimbirai gave u the wrong idea.

“I don’t know what entitlement you think you have to treat him like he owes you social media entertainment too. Such family pics can be found on our home walls and I reserve the right to post what I choose on my entertainment page.

“Sorry to say my husband shall not be part of the entertainment here.

“Ndini muimbi wenyu. Mukazvibata izvozvo u will not be looking for my husband kubasa kwangu. Munoenda kubasa kwake kana kumba.”

Apparently, some followers waded into the drama asking her why her kids were on the picture if she says her husband is out of her brand.

Others told her to control her temper as a public figure.

Some insinuated that she could be having ‘marital’ problems hence the ‘harsh’ response.