President Emmerson Mnangagwa yesterday paid tribute to the founding leader of the Movement for Democratic Change Morgan Tsvangirai who died in South Africa on 14 February last year.

He said he remembered Tsvangirai for his patriotism and lifelong commitment to Zimbabwean unity and democracy.

“One year after Morgan Tsvangirai left us, we remember his patriotism as well as his lifelong commitment to Zimbabwean unity and democracy. Now, more than ever, we need to work together as we build our new Zimbabwe,” Mnangagwa said on his twitter handle.

Mnangagwa’s comments came when Tsvangirai’s successor Nelson Chamisa was reported to be bitter about Tsvangirai’s family inviting Mnangagwa to Tsvangirai’s memorial.

The memorial was initially penciled for yesterday but was moved to 4 May.