HARARE: The country’s film industry has been plunged into mourning following the death of Elizabeth Nyanguridza known for her role in Studio 263 as ‘Tete Jari’.

58-year-old Nyanguridza who was in the film industry for more than 15 years, passed on early Monday (yesterday) morning at the Mbuya Dorcas Hospital after a short illness.

Family members and former workmates in the arts industry gathered at her house in Chitungwiza described the late as a unifier and added that the film industry has lost a great treasure.

Nyanguridza was known for her role in the once popular drama Studio 263 where she featured as ‘Tete Jari’ aunt to Vimbai and Jabu.

She was also in other productions including Ganyawu, Playing Warriors and Gringo.

She will be buried today in Chiendambuya Headlands. ZBC