Mugabe’s supporters injured in Bulawayo factional fight

A number of Zanu PF supporters were seriously injured today, Sunday, after faction members turned on each other during a Bulawayo Provincial meeting chaired by acting president Phelekezela Mphoko.

Some elements  allegedly used pepper Spray in a bid to force provincial executive members out of the hall.

Some party members were allegedly assaulted and stabbed in the melee

Images and video footage given to zimnews show police officers failing to control a group of agitated supporters exchanging hard punches in and outside the Zanu PF Bulawayo building.

A source who refused to be named told this publication that everything was going well until when a group of pro-Mnangagwa youths and women, supported by war veterans demanded that all Kasukuwere linked officers, including chairman Denis Ndlovu,  be removed from their positions.

This did not go well with the G40 faction members who then started to assault suspected Mnangagwa backers known as Team Lacoste.

“It’s all about who will take over when Mugabe finally leaves, faction leaders are taking no prisoners, if you blink you are gone,” said the source  on condition that her name is not published.

Below are images of the injured taken from the venue today.


Suspected broken arm

