Lovemore Lubinda

Residents in Harare have called on President Emmerson Mnangagwa to bring order at the city’s commuter ranks, alleging that both the local authorities and the police have failed dismally to deal with the menace of touting.

Touting is an act of forcing passengers to board busses or commuter omnibuses, and demanding money from the bus crews. In some cases these touts would be high on drugs and become violent when one tries to resist being forced aboard a bus not of his/ her choice.

The act has made travelling in and around Harare for both pedestrians and motorists a nightmare.

Speaking at an event organised by the Harare Residents Trust (HRT) in Harare last week, residents castigated the police for turning a blind eye on the issue of touting, as well as drug abuse, and called on the President to step in.

Most residents who spoke at the meeting believe that touting has increased because of politics, hence the dragging of feet in dealing with the issue, as corrupt officials are involved.

Addressing the residents after the discussions, HRT director Precious Shumba said his organisation was established to empower residents to demand accountability from office bearers, and service providers.

“Residents need to be empowered with knowledge, and never to be sacrificed on the altar of and for political expediency,” he said.

As if that was not enough, two kombi touts have been suspected for the grenade bombing at white City Stadium recently, where President Mnangagwa had addressed a rally. The bombing claimed two lives, leaving several people including Vice-President Kembo Mohadi and ZANU PF Chairperson Oppah Muchinguri injured.  zwnews