Fungayi Moyana

When it comes to bizarre incidents the city of Masvingo is never left out after a man failed to respect the rule of law and assaulted a lawyer right inside the court house.

Tawanda Munyai could not contain his anger after Masvingo Lawyer Tichaona Bhunu successfully appealed for the suspension of an order compelling his client to pay $7000 for damages for seduction and breach to marry.

Munyai, uncle to the complainant and snubbed girl Ngoninashe Marowedze head butted and kicked Bhunu in the stomach and legs with safety shoes in the corridor of Masvingo Court after he applied for recession of a default judgement against his client.

The defendant (Bhunu’s client) Patrick Mutasa was supposed to pay $7000 for seduction damages and breaching a promise to marry Ngonidzashe Marowedze.

After successfully winning the case Bhunu was on his way out of the courtroom when Munyai followed him, grabbed him by the neck, head butted him once as he fell down to the ground, kicked him several times in the stomach and legs and was arrested by the police in the corridor of the courthouse.

Leaving Bhunu in a pool of blood, the lawyer suffered a swollen face and legs.

It is alleged that Mutasa seduced and promised to marry Marowedze but when she visited his parents they did not approve her that is when Mutasa dumped her.

This did not go well with Munyai who advised Marowedze to sue Mutasa in court.

Munyai was convicted of assault and sentenced to eight months and two months were suspended leaving him with six months in prison by Magistrate Ndokera.