A brave man(44) in uniform was arrested recently after he went to State House and demanded to have an audience with president Emmerson Mnangagwa.


Tichaona Kanengoni wore Zimbabwe National Army combat gear before storming Mnangagwa’s place to get a “serious” explanation from ED over the state of things in the country.

Upon arrival, Kanengoni said  he wanted to have a serious talk with the Head of State about the current economic situation plaguing the country.

However, Kanengoni pleaded not guilty when he appeared in court and then the presiding magistrate advised the State to allow Kanengoni to be mentally examined by medical practitioners.

He was being charged with unlawful possession of camouflage uniform, contravening the Road Traffic Act and Criminal trespass.

The facts of the case are as follows:

Kanengoni  is said to have parked his Ford Ranger motor vehicle at corner Chancellor Drive and Tongogara Avenue wearing a ZNA camouflage trousers, infantry belt and combat jacket as a way of deceiving the presidential guards to gain entry in the State House.

He was then asked to produce his ZNA identity card but he failed.

As a result, Kanengoni was denied entry at the State House by soldiers who barred him but he insisted on wanting to see the President as he wanted to talk to him.

He was also asked to produce his driver’s licence but failed as he is not a holder of any licence.

Kanengoni was immediately arrested and charges were laid against him.