Songstress Makhadzi had to be whisked away from the stage in Mutare last night after rowdy fans who felt hard done by her shoddy performance started throwing cans and other missiles in anger

SOUTH AFRICAN songstress, Makhadzi, had to be whisked away from the stage after rowdy fans who felt hard done by her shoddy perfomance started throwing cans and other missiles in anger at Manicaland Motoring Club last night.

Besides performing way late than fans expected, Makhadzi jumped on stage after midnight with no live band before she performed not more than three songs much to the disappointment of hundreds of people who attended the show.

Angry fans started mobbing performing artistes by throwing missiles and shouting obscenities while destroying barricades that separated the VIP section.

There was also drama in and outside the venue as hoardes of people lost cash and valuables as thieves had a field day.


manica post