Former  Zimbabwe Vice President and leader of opposition party National People’s Party (NPP), Amai Joice Mujuru has warned opposition political leaders of a spying network that uses girls, hotel employees, security guards and apartment residence to collect information for Mnangagwa’s adminstration.

Posting on Facebook, Mujuru revealed dirty tricks used by Zanu PF  whenever opposition leaders pull their pants down.

Said Mujuru:

In light of everything that is happening let me urge some senior opposition figures to be wary of their surroundings. not everything is the way you see it.

Not everyone is who you think they are. Very important operational information is being leaked everyday. Be wary of the people you spend time with and sleep. You relax and let your guard down, they listen to when you talk on the phone.

How does someone in the executive know high level information. The beast is sophisticated. More than you can imagine. It uses girls. Not random girls. Girls that you know. Believe me you will trust these girls and you will let your guard down. Avoid sleeping in avenues and avondale areas. You are at your most vulnerable there.

Those areas are a birds nest for this beast. A big birds nest. And so are most hotels. Every apartment complex is infested. Highly infested more than you can imagine. From guards to caretakers to residents. Big brother is watching & he doesnt blink an eye.