Shakespeare Muzavazi

The Shona adage “Rina manyanga  hariputirwe” best describes what transpired at a  funeral in Shurugwi after a dog ran amok and viciously attacked a man who later manifested confessing to have caused the death of his brother.

Village headman Isaac Mhuka of Chaerera village under Chief Nhema, who chronicled the ordeal to this reporter said, Norman Moyo was recently bitten by a dog and he started manifesting, confessing to be the one who had killed Tafadzwa Zhou.

“Allegations are that, Moyo had killed Zhou for his wealth so that he would inherit part of the now deceased’s land,” said the village headman.

According to some villagers who witnessed the chilling incident Moyo was bitten by the dog during speech time when he was sitting with other men waiting for burial.

“What surprised us is that there were a lot of people who had gathered for the funeral but the dog went straight to bite Moyo.

“We didn’t see the dog coming we heard him screaming shouting that he was being bitten by a dog and we saw the dog running away,” said one of the villagers.

After some time Moyo is reported to have started bleeding on his right leg leading him to confess that he was the one answerable for the death of his cousin. heard that Moyo confessed to have attacked Zhou without his knowledge; this resulted in Zhou having relentless stomach pains which culminated in his death.

Moyo went further to narrate the reason behind him killing his brother which he claimed that the deceased was full of himself and didn’t respect him as his brother.

Efforts to rich Moyo for comment were fruitless since his phone went unanswered.