By Johnsias Mutonhori

This week both the mainstream and social media has been awash by a sexual scandal  where vice president Kembo Mohadi is implicated.

The other past weeks the media was dominated by another sex scandal involving Norton Legislator Temba Mliswa, Susan Mutami and some Zanu PF bigwigs.

Vice president  Mohadi appears in two recorded phone calls leaked and posted on Twitter by Zim Live.

In the first leaked phone call, the Vice President was soliciting sex from a married junior security officer and on the second he was demanding sex from a woman identified as Chevaughn.

Following the scandals, some citizens have asked Mliswa and Mohadi to step down and exit doors of their political offices.

However, the unsettled question is whether the political scandals collapse political carrier. Do the social immorality collapse political carriers?

The apposite question is, do we have guidelines to follow when a public officer is caught outside the confines of moral principles?

Does the moral and social immorality move a needle in political careers.

History has it that, in America  Bill  Clinton in the 1990s was involved in a sex scandal with a 21 year old, Monica Lewinsky.

The videos of Donald Trump dragging women by their private parts circulated during his campaign.

These two high profile sex scandals seemed not to dent their political carriers.

Evidently the criticism was temporary with little effect in the long run.

Yesterday Mohadi released a press statement claiming his phone was hacked and his voice was cloned.

History reflects that immorality in politics only needs time for it to fade and all the criticism disappear in thin air.