Zwnews Chief Correspondent

The expelling of ZANU PF legislators Masango Matambanadzo, Biata Nyamupinga, and Godfrey Gandawa from parliament after President Emmerson Mnangagwa (ED)’s administration recalled them for misconduct could weaken the ruling party.

When the Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda recently made the announcement of their expulsion from the august house, the three seem not even bothered or worried by the development.

Meanwhile, the recalling though not new in Zimbabwean politics, due to rampant factionalism and perennial power insecurities among political parties, may spell doom for ED’s administration, which at the moment needs unity than disunity.

Taking into consideration how the current dispensation came to power, for some analysts, the conclusion is that it is an unelectable military regime accepted and catapulted to power as a result of desperation from the general populace for change.

The recalling of these MPs has its pros and cons if not taken carefully, the timing of the recalling itself is just as bad as letting the distrust bleed unchecked.

Political analyst, Upsetter Maune, says recalling of MPs in most cases weakens the party, more so with the elections just few weeks away, it gives confusion among the electorate, and thereby work to the advantage of opposition parties.

Maune believes with elections slotted for Monday 30 July 2018, ZANU PF should know it’s time to unite and unleash massive campaigns than to fight.

He says the delicacy of the matter, is that in as much as it shouldn’t be let unchecked, dealing with it should have been done in a way that does not confuse the electorate.

Maune explains; “The motive is clear, G40 elements should be exposed, lambasted and dismissed, as they are the ones formulating to execute impeachment against ED.

“However, people must also bear in mind that the majority of those who won in the ruling party’s recent primaries are G40 members, and as such, it is a cancer within the Lacoste.”

There are fears in the ruling party that the original Zanu PF which survived near death election encounters with MDC for the past 18 years is a shadow of its former self after it’s two most influential figures Joice Mujuru and Robert Mugabe are now fighting the untested Mnangagwa led government from opposition trenches.

Be that as it may, many believe the recalling of MPs, the falling of bigwigs by the way side during the ruling party’s primaries held recently, and the allegations of irregularities in  polls show that ED is running a shaky military backed administration with no solid support.