An apparently disrespectful Bulawayo man who is in the habit of bringing girlfriends home for sex in their matrimonial bedroom is blaming his love for alcohol as the cause for his despicable traits.

Shadreck Ngwenya (61) of Nketa suburb, who has since earned the infamy of parading his several one-night lovers in the presence of his wife Zandile Ngwenya, and their two children aged 25 and five, was dragged before magistrate Marygold Ndlovu who was sitting at the Bulawayo Civil Court in the second city.

While seeking a protection order from her lover, Zandile told the court that her wayward husband has a weakness for women adding that he was fast turning their matrimonial residence into some love nest where all sorts of women would come and engage in sexual intercourse with Shadreck.

According to Zandile, her husband Shadreck started developing the habit of verbally abusing and physically assaulting her when he started seeing other girls while neglecting his own family.

Zandile said following one such incident, she then started living in fear of her ‘better half’.

“I am applying for a protection order against my husband Shadreck Ngwenya because he has been verbally and physically abusive towards me for several years. The abuse started when he started engaging in extra-marital relationships. He has gone to an extent that during my absence he brings his girlfriends to sleep at our home despite the fact that our daughter and grandchild will be around. On 4 October he verbally and physically abused me before he strangled me. He went on to use a pick axe to break the door of our bedroom where I had locked myself in,” Zandile painfully narrated.

“I am now living in fear and I was emotionally and psychologically traumatised by that incident when he assaulted me and broke our bedroom door. I am therefore asking the court to intervene by granting me a protection order against him so that he stops abusing me and bringing home women that he is having affairs with,” said Zandile.

For all his misgivings, Shadreck shoulders the blame on the so-called wise waters, saying when he assaulted his wife, it was all because of the influence of alcohol on his person.

“I have never assaulted her. On the day in question in which she alleged I assaulted her it was during the night and I was drunk. What happened is that when I knocked on the bedroom door, she refused to open for me.
“Since I was drunk and wanted to sleep, I then picked up a metal bar and broke the door. She then came out and proceeded to our daughter’s bedroom. When I asked her why she had locked me outside, she refused to talk to me and I just went into the bedroom and slept,” he submitted.

Shadreck had Mother Luck to thank after the magistrate ordered him to cease- forthwith- the alleged verbal and physical abuse on his wife.

state media
additional reporting: Zwnews