Disaster has hit a Shurugwi gold miner’s family after a woman was blown to pieces by explosives left unsecured at home by her husband.

Blessed Ndlovu (35)  from the mining town of Shurugwi recently appeared before Shurugwi Magistrate Sithabile Zungula facing a count of culpable homicide and a second one of possessing explosives without a license.

The State says that January 5, 2021 Ndlovu negligently caused the death of Alice Makasi (21). He left explosives in his house when he went to work and these later exploded at around 9pm killing his wife and their new born baby survived.

Next door neighbours saw a huge smoke followed by screaming inside the house and then there was a huge explosion.

Half of the house was destroyed and neighbours managed to rescue the baby who was left unscathed by the unfortunate incident.

masvingo mirror, zwnews