Popular Masvingo business tycoon, Bucho is said to have escaped death by a whisker this morning when a man allegedly caught him bedding his girlfriend at a lodge in Gweru.

The girl is a 2.1 Sociology student at the Great Zimbabwe University.

Allegations are that Bucho whose real name is Taurai Mudzwiti was caught pants down with Tawanda Gwatidzo’s girlfriend Anele Daisy Makhiwa at The Village Lodge in Gweru.

Gwatidzo who is a prominent businessman with ventures in Bulawayo and Mutare looked for his girlfriend all night on Wednesday after failing to find her at home in Masvingo.

Glasses were smashed at the room where the two love birds were allegedly booked and videos show Gwatidzo fuming around the room and ordering Bucho to come out so they talk. He threatened to spray bullets into the room if Bucho did not open.

Gwatidzo is understood to have suffered a deep cut in his hand and there was blood on the floor at the entrance to the two love birds’ room.

Bucho who was supposedly in the room did not respond as Gwatidzo shouted unprintable words, “when I arrived here you were busy f****** my fiancée. I have been waiting for 30 minutes here boss and you are not coming out,” shouted Gwatidzo.

 Midlands Police spokesperson, Ethel Mukwende said she would be ready with full details tomorrow.

Sources said that Gwatidzo eventually managed to gain entry into the room but Bucho locked himself in the toilet. Gwatidzo allegedly assaulted the girl whom he left heavily bruised, according to pictures posted on social media.

The Village Lodge manager, Thomas Nyirenda said that he was still talking to the Police when The Mirror called him for comment.

The incident is said to have happened at around 7am in the morning.

Bucho’s phone was switched off when The Mirror tried to get a comment. His Facebook page had been pulled down.

Efforts to get a comment from Anele were also fruitless.


Sources said that Anele rents a place in the leafy suburb of Rhodhene in Masvingo where she goes to school. They also said that Gwatidzo pays the fees and rent.

She was allegedly collected by Bucho who also stays in Masvingo on Wednesday and they drove to the Village Lodge in Gweru where they are said to have put up for the night.

Gwatidzo went to Rhodhene where he was told that his girlfriend had been picked by a car and the description of the car was given.  Apparently Bucho and Gwatidzo knew each other well and some sources said that they were close friends. Gwatidzo concluded that it was Bucho who had picked up Anele and started investigating the whole night.

He allegedly traced Bhucho’s car to the The Village Lodge.

“Mota yaBucho iyi arikus**** Anele mulodge iyi right now. Tau urikunonoka sha. ok you want me to get my gun and start spraying bullets neipapo, so that’s what you want me to do, I don’t wanna do that, I want to find Anele, ndiye andiri kuda Tau, Anele ndiye wandiri kuda Anele don’t hide Bucho, hausi kuvhura vhura, vhura vhura, no, no we are not talking as men, when I wanted to talk to you, you treated me like an idiot, so we are not talking as men anymore. I have been here for 30mins boss ndakusvikira uchis**** Anele, uri kuitei imomo,” Gwatidzo is heard in one of the videos as he arrives at the The Village Lodge.

Investigations by The Mirror showed that Gwatidzo was by today afternoon already in Harare. One of the videos understood to have been posted by him show the deep cut on his hand being stitched.

Anele is said to be back in Masvingo after the hair-raising fiasco.

More details to follow!
