Miss Kundayi Manungo, a 33-year-old architect employed at the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), met an untimely demise in a road traffic accident on Thursday afternoon. The tragic incident occurred as she was returning from the commissioning of the renovated old ZIMRA Customs House in Mutare.

Mr. Willard Manungo, her father and Deputy Chief Secretary in the Office of the President and Cabinet, confirmed the heart-wrenching news to The Herald. Describing the incident, he stated, “I lost a daughter, Kundayi Manungo, in a road accident in Melfort on Thursday around 14:30 pm. The accident was just before the bridge in between the dualised sections of the highway.”

In the wake of this sorrowful event, plans are underway to lay Miss Kundayi Manungo to rest in Shurugwi on Tuesday. Mourners are invited to pay their respects at 15 Worpleston Way in Glen Lorne, where her body will lie in state on Sunday. The departure for Shurugwi is scheduled for Monday morning. The family is grappling with the profound loss, and the community joins them in mourning the passing of a vibrant and accomplished young professional.