There are clear rifts in ZANU PF at every level of the state particularly among the stockholders and this is all linked to the succession conundrum, renowned political analyst Dr Pedzisai Ruhanya has said.

He says clearly Vene, Zvoto are not interested in any attempts to change the constitution to extent the president’s term in office, yet the other faction is working flat out to extend Mnangagwa’s stay in office.

Dr Ruhanya says ZANU PF Midlands and Masvingo provincial structures are reportedly plotting protests against a known critic of President Emmerson Mnangagwa for campaigning against a plan to extend presidential term limits.

Children of War Veterans Association (COZVWA) says some individuals within the ruling party are causing disharmony in ZANU PF for selfish gains.

“From today onwards, COZWVA wil expose all corrupt looters hiding behind President Emmerson Mnangagwa name whilst advocating for 2030 illegal constitutional violations for selfish benefit including what “exactly” they are protecting behind the eyes of the public

“Spencer Mabheka a 2030sts! Beneficiary of corruption & looting. Established land baron who bootlick ED to invade arrest.

“Not principled bt a flip flopper who always lean close to corridors of power. His car was once branded w Dr Grace’s face. He wld not miss any interface rally.

“John Paradza another 2030sts!
ZANU PF Deputy yth secretary. Beneficiary of Gold looting.

“He is bootlicking President ED to protect his illegal mining activities.

“He is mining in Nyanga National Park. Where he is really making. He owns numerous mining claims around Zim Very RICH,” said COZVWA.
