A Zaka police officer is alleged to have shot a man, Douglas Mahoya in the head yesterday for resisting arrest, reports TellZim.

The officer allegedly followed the deceased home following an earlier altercation involving a face mask. Mahoya later succumbed to the injuries.

On another note, a member of Zimbabwe National Army Chrispen Maphosa (30) who is being accused of killing 2 people in December 2019, at Shayamabvudzi Business Centre, Mwenezi, allegedly disappeared at Masvingo High Court today.

Maphosa was set to appear in court for the crime.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwean police have allegedly been known for being brutal.

In some instances, suspects have been tortured in police custody.

Most recently, Citizens Coalition for Change supporter Madzibaba Veshanduko was arrested and tortured in police custody.

Commenting on the matter, police spokezperson Paul Nyathi said the opposition supporter wanted to deface Mbuya Nehanda statue.

TellZim/ Zwnews