Operation restore legacy will end with the voting for ED…Chiwenga

ZwNews Chief Correspondent

Zimbabwe’s Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga has said operation restore legacy which started on 14 November 2017 resulting in President Emmerson Mnangagwa (ED) taking over power is still on until people vote ED back into office.

‘Operation restore legacy’ was a military operation that ended the then President of the country Robert Mugabe’s 37 year rule.

Speaking at a rally in Tafara recently, Chiwenga said the operation restore legacy will end with the voting for ED to continue in the highest office in Zimbabwe.

Chiwenga  could not elaborate on what will happen if people do not vote ED back into office.  

Some think the message is a silent threat to voters, whose memorise of the day military tanks invaded the streets of Harare are still fresh.

Meanwhile, Zimbabwe Yadzoka founder and chairperson Victor Chimhutu says the sentiments by the Vice-President shows that Zimbabwe is indeed now under military rule.

“There you have it from the horse’s mouth. Operation restore legacy isn’t over. Chiwenga effectively confirming Zimbabwe as a military state,” he said.

At the peak of the operation, army tanks invaded the streets of Harare and other major cities; this came after the military had taken over the state television declaring that Mugabe was no longer in control.
