Chiweshe chief Negomo born Luscious Chitsinde is reportedly fighting the newly elected ZANU PF Mazowe District Coordinating Committee.

Allegations are that Negomo with the help of some losing candidates and the winning Mazowe DCC youth Timothy Gorejena met today in Glendale to plot the downfall of the Tafadzwa Musarara led DCC.

Musarara recently won in the DCC elections amid claims that he bribed his way up.

The losing members from Mazowe, Bindura and Shamva complained of corruption by presiding officers chief among them Mashonaland Central DCC elections commissioner Cecilia Paradza.

Mazowe losing candidate John Mudzonga said he saw anomalies on his results which were not tallying with the votes and that of his competitor Musarara.

“I noticed there are anomalies because of my results from my personal tallying show that I accumulated more votes than my competitor who was eventually announced the winner,” he said in a letter to leadership.

Meanwhile, a close source confirmed the allegations against the Chief.

“We are worried with out Chiweshe traditional chief who is having sleepless night trying to fight the recently elected DCC squad chaired by Musarara,” said the source who declined to be named.

“They held a meeting today in Glendale where they plotted to line up drunk party supporters and accuse Musarara of bedding a Glendale woman so that the DCC meeting will not materialise, fortunately we are very much aware of the plan and we are going to inform the police to be on the watch of any unbecoming behavior on the meeting tomorrow at Mazowe hotel.”

Chief Negomo denied the allegations saying he was in Glendale for his personal duties.

“I was in Glendale for my personal duties as for the DCC meeting plot l am not aware,” he said.

The youth chairperson Gore could not be reached for comment.
